The Reddit user, SixionZ, had shared a story on Reddit, where they with the schoolmates, had took revenge from an abusive teacher, who was mocking a silent girl on the school.

“This was back in hs when I was 17. I’m currently 20. I was in a class for forensics, and this teacher was notorious for making fun of students. I’ll call her Bitch Teacher. To put in perspective how much I hate her, I got a pet cockroach and named it after her. In this class, she would have students take attendance by lining up and answering a question at her desk before going to sit down. (This is important for later)” the user had shared.

Then the mentally abusive comments of their teacher had continued as, “It started with things such as making fun of students who weren’t in class to hear. Poking fun at how they looked. Their grades. Their clothes. Etc. Things slowly escalated as the year progressed to where she would mock my voice in front of everyone whenever I spoke. (I also have a very growly voice because I used to get recurring Scarlet Fever for years which permanently damaged my vocal chords), said transgender people were a burden (we had a trans boy in the class), that depression wasn’t real, etc.”

Then the user had explained that there was a particular student, a girl which the user named Smol, who was at the aim of the teacher that was using mentally abusive comments. “At first, it was fine. It’s not like she was saying anything I’ve never heard before from my shitty classmates about each other. But then comes in my classmate who I’ll call Smol. Cus. She’s smol. Smol was a quiet and very sweet girl. She was funny and always nice to everyone. But she had really bad depression and anorexia. And she would be bullied a lot because her parents weren’t the best. She often came to class smelling of her dads chain smoking and in old hand me down clothes.”

Then continued that the teacher’s behaviour had led other students to bully Smol, as the user had shared, “Because Bitch Teacher would only encourage the bullying, Smol eventually started cutting and wearing hoodies all the time to hide the cuts. But everyone knew. It got to the point where 2 people would take advantage of her poor family and pay her to scratch words on her leg or arm in class with a safety pin. Bitch Teacher did fuck all. And trust me, she knew.”

“Fast forward a few weeks, and we all line up as usual. The question was, “what’s your favorite type of music?” Me and Smol come up. I answer and am heading to my seat when Smol quietly goes “I don’t know.. I don’t really have one.” To which. And I kid you the fuck not. Bitch Teacher goes full volume, with a smile on her face, “well, what kind of music DOESN’T make you want to slit your wrists?””

Then the user had explained the exact point where they had decided to take their revenge from the terrible teacher. “At this point the entire class goes dead silent. She had gone too far. And smol immediately runs out of the class. Everyone is too shocked to know what to really do. So we just move on with class. I still wish I had gone to check on her. After that, I just couldn’t stand Bitch Teacher. I couldn’t stand her existence. I couldn’t stand looking at her smiling fucking face. I wanted to rip that smile off. Every time she breathed I wanted to strangle her. I was done with this.”

Then they went to the principal’s office and told their problems with the teacher, with their proof. “I began secretly recording every time she made fun of us. I would record entire classes and crop out what I needed. And then, one tiring month later, I emailed them all straight to the principal. Close to half an hour of this bitch making fun of everyone, making suicide jokes, etc. I fumed about how inappropriate and unacceptable this was. And I demanded justice. And holy shit, justice I got.”

Then the user had stated that they got what they wanted as, “Bitch Teacher didn’t show up for a few days. When she came back, she had such a dead look in her eyes. Finally no more of that god damn smile. The principal calls us all together. And in front of EVERYONE. Her husband, the students, and staff. She was forced to formally apologize for making fun of a fucking suicidal 16 year old. The look on her husbands face told me all I wanted. After this. I only ever needed to see her smoking alone and hated at the liquor store. The smile never came back.”

byu/SixionZ from discussion

byu/SixionZ from discussion

byu/SixionZ from discussion

byu/SixionZ from discussion

byu/SixionZ from discussion

byu/SixionZ from discussion

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