A woman had asked for advice from the social media platform, Reddit, as her mother-in-law had asked for $200 when she cleaned her house without noticing her.

“I (F31) gave birth to my beautiful son a week ago. Unfortunately there were some complications, so I was only released yesterday but I am so grateful to be home with our baby boy. When my waters initially broke, my husband (M33) and I were at home and I happened to be standing on my bedroom carpet. Cleaning was obviously not the priority, so I threw some towels down and we left for the hospital.” the woman had explained that her water broke, and she didn’t had time to clean it as she stayed in the hospital for a week, due to complications.

“During the time we were in hospital, my MIL (F59) kindly offered to feed our dogs for us, and we were very appreciative of her help. It was only once we get home yesterday that I saw my MIL had left a receipt and note stuck to the fridge, saying that she had cleaned my bedroom carpet and wanted to be reimbursed. She had also taken it upon herself to clean the rest of the house while she was at it, and all in all, would like a day’s pay at $25/hour + $200 worth of products.” she then stated that her mother-in-law had asked for money, as she cleaned the house without they had said something about it.

“Now, while it was nice of her to clean my carpet and then the rest of my house, neither of us asked her to do this. My husband wrote her the following text:
“Hello mom, we really appreciate your help over the last few days while (my name) was in the hospital. It was great having someone over to look after the dogs.”” she had explained the text his husband sent to his mother.

A young man arguing with his mom | Source: Getty Images

The text her husband sent is continued as, “We noticed your note and receipt on the fridge, and are a little upset you took it upon yourself to 1. snoop through the house, as neither of us had told you about (my name’s) water’s breaking in the bedroom, 2. go out and buy hundreds of dollars worth of cleaning products, and then 3. charging us for your time and the aforementioned products. We would also like to ask where these cleaning products are, as if we are paying for them, we would certainly like to get our money’s worth
When we entrusted you with the dogs, we really thought you were helping us out of the good of your heart and not giving you an opportunity to make a quick buck. We are family, and are hurt you would do something like this while (my name) was so unwell.”

“My MIL immediately responded to my husband saying that she did what she did out of the kindness of her heart, and she cannot believe we would be so ungrateful. I have also recieved some texts from extended family members saying that MIL didn’t have to help me, but did do despite “her advanced age” out of love. I have had to turn off my phone so that I don’t have to deal with all the texts, but my husband is still getting a lot of hate from his family because we are “mainpulating the situation” and making MIL the bad guy when she was only trying to get the house ready for the baby.” she then explained that rest of their family had turned their backs to them with the situation between them and her husband’s mother.

“I am quite upset by the whole thing, but my husband is now saying that maybe we should pay to get the extended family off our back and just enjoy this time as new parents rather than dealing with all this. I am not okay with paying him mom for anything! She sent another text to my husband earlier saying she would be happy to gift us the products (i.e. take it off our bill), but she would still like to be paid for her time given that she dealt with “a biohazard.”” she had concluded her story and asked for advice from other redditors.

Here is some Redditors comment;

byu/Unlikely-Visitor from discussion

byu/Unlikely-Visitor from discussion

byu/Unlikely-Visitor from discussion

byu/Unlikely-Visitor from discussion

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