A woman had stated that her ın-laws excluded her from the dinner at a fancy restaurant, as they stated that she is “ignorant” and “backward”, so she left them at their trip, and went back home. She had shared her story on Reddit and asked for advice.

The woman had stated that her in-laws had made terrible comments for her and her family as, “I f26 went on a “family trip” with my inlaws 2 weeks ago. MIL always thought that I am a bit “ignorant” and “backward” and that just because I come from lower class family (compared to hers) that I have no “etiquette””

Then she saw her husband while he was getting ready for the restaurant, and learnt that she was excluded from the event. “After we arrived to the hotel, They arranged to visit a fancy restaurant for dinner, My husband avoid telling me and I learned it last minute after he had already got dressed. I asked where he was going and he said he & family were going to eat out but I wasn’t invited because his mom “assumed” that since I wouldn’t be familiar with the food and “how to eat it” it there at the restsurant, then it’s better for me to stay-in and eat at the hotel.”

Then she left the hotel and went back home, and her husband had called her many times, as she stated, “I didn’t argue I just let him go then I packed and took the first flight home. He freaked out and called many times and when he found out that I went home, he blew up snd called me ridiculous and irrational to do this.”

She had concluded her post as, “Even said that I acted in an ungrateful manner and embarrassed him infront of his family after he literally begged to have me go on the trip. We argued and he started giving md silent treatment after he came home. Moreover, his family are indirectly criticizing me on facebook about what I did.”

And asked for advice from other Redditors, and here are some of them;

A comment on the Reddit post | Source: reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole
A comment on the Reddit post | Source: reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole
A comment on the Reddit post | Source: reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole
A comment on the Reddit post | Source: reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole

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