Four couples, who are best friends, from Texas, had bought a land from Llano River, as they were looking for a place to settle when they retired from Austin.

“When we first looked at it, it was not really that inviting,” said one of the member of the group, Fred Zipp, who worked with, Austin-American Stateman, as he was planning their future with his wife, Jodi, as their other friends of three couples.

“This is a magical place, but it’s arid,”

“We’re doing what we can to reserve as much water as possible for the native trees and grasses. Fortunately, they’re beautiful.”

Their first intention was to built a large home to live together, but then decided to go with separate tiny houses, as it was a new movement that is rising.

And, Matt Garcia, San Antonio architect, had created a plan for them to built on their land.

“Basically we wanted a place where we could spend a ton of time together – eating and drinking and hanging out – but still have privacy and separation when people needed to get away from the gang,” Jodi said, about the houses that would worth, $40,000 for each.

“We just wanted something warm feeling that would offset the coolness of the metal on the outside,” Garcia added.

“It’s a high-design finish that doesn’t cost a lot of money.”

“If anything good came out of the recession, it was people hitting reset and realizing they don’t need so much space and stuff to be happy,”

“I love it. And I feel proud to be working with clients who have had that realization, that less is more.”

“It’s like a Disney movie out here. We have hare, bobcat, deer and all kinds of birds. As we spend more and more time here, we find more and more.” They added.

They had received many comments on their plan to move once they are all retired, and ready to go.

“Fab idea we always said it would be a great a great idea if friends build in a close and help each other as you age even share the same carers.”

“What a way to leave the with force! I’m sure they are all just beautiful.”

“There goes the friendship,”

“They will stop being friends in 3 months flat.”

What do you think? Let us know.

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