With he paintings, Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” (1498), Michelangelo’s “The Last Judgement” (1541) or El Greco’s “Christ Carrying the Cross” (1540), we have an image of Jesus Christ in our minds.

In this imagination, we see a fair, long haired man with blue eyes mostly. But in truth, there is no description of Jesus, or his DNA to analysis.

Bas Uterwijk, a Dutch photographer, and digital artist, had recreated the skull of Jesus Christ, with the help of artificial intelligence.

“I used several cultural depictions of Jesus of Nazareth of Byzantine and Renaissance origin including Leonardo da Vinci’s “Salvator Mundi”, and the Turin Shroud, tweaking the ethnicity to a more convincing Middle-Eastern face.” He said.

For the imaginative face of Jesus Christ, he said, “felt it lacked any historical accuracy,” and he added that, “changed the hair and beard to a more credible length and style for the time and region,”

Also stated that, “brought in elements found in some Fayum mummy portraits, pushing the renaissance art to the background.”

“The result is an artistic impression of how this man could have looked, more than it is a scientific search for an exact likeness.”

“Making Faces: Using Forensic and Archaeological Evidence,” author, Dr. Richard Neave, is the person behind the project, where his team had created the faces of King Phillip II of Macedonia and King Midas.

From their research, they had found out that Jesus Christ probably had a wide face, dark eyes, short dark hair, a bushy beard with a tanned skin. These are the typical stereotype of Galilean Semites of the time he had lived.


Also, Gospel of Matthew is stating that Jesus Christ is looking like his followers.

But there were some lacking in the information they had gathered from that era like, eye color or hair style.

From their findings in the archaeological locations, they believed that Jesus had dark eyes, and as a following of Jewish traditions, he had probably a beard.

And since it was written in the Paul bible that, “If a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him,”, he probably had short hair rather than long hair as he painted.

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